
इमा॒ या॒स् तिस्रः॒ पृथिवी॒स् ता॒सां ह भू॒मिर् उत्तमा॒ ।
ता॒साम् अ॒धि त्वचो॒ अहं॒ भेषजं॒ स॒म् उ जग्रभम् ॥१॥

imā́ yā́s tisráḥ pr̥thivī́s tā́sāṃ ha bhū́mir uttamā́ |
tā́sām ádhi tvacó aháṃ bheṣajáṃ sám u jagrabham ||1||

Те три земли, что (есть),
Из них (наша) земля - высшая.
С их шкуры
Я захватил лекарство.

Of all the three terrestrial realms the ground is verily the best.
I from the skin that covers these gather a healing medicine.

Of these three earths (our) earth verily is the highest. From the surface of these I have now plucked a remedy.


श्रे॒ष्ठम् असि भेषजा॒नां व॒सिष्ठं वी॒रुधानाम् ।
सो॒मो भ॒ग इव या॒मेषु देवे॒षु व॒रुणो य॒था ॥२॥

śréṣṭham asi bheṣajā́nāṃ vásiṣṭhaṃ vī́rudhānām |
sómo bhága iva yā́meṣu devéṣu váruṇo yáthā ||2||

Ты лучшее из лекарств,
Самое хорошее из растений,
Как Сома(-месяц) - господин ночных часов, Как Варуна среди богов.

Thou art the best of medicines, most excellent of Plants art
As Soma 'mid the wandering stars, as Varuna among the Gods.

Thou art the most excellent of remedies, the best of plants, as Soma (the moon) is the lord in the watches of the night, as Varuna (is king) among the gods.


रे॒वतीर् अ॒नाधृषः सिषास॒वः सिषासथ ।
उत॒ स्थ॒ केशदृ॒म्हणीर् अ॒थो ह केशव॒र्धनीः ॥३॥

révatīr ánādhr̥ṣaḥ siṣāsávaḥ siṣāsatha |
utá sthá keśadŕ̥mhaṇīr átho ha keśavárdhanīḥ ||3||

Богатые, не замышляющие плохого,
Стремящиеся одарить, вы (действительно) стремитесь одарить, А также вы - укрепляющие волосы И вызывающие рост волос.

Endowed with wealth, denying not, give freely fain to give your
Ye stay the hair from falling off: ye strengthen and increase its

O ye wealthy, irresistible (plants), ye do generously bestow benefits. And ye strengthen the hair, and, moreover, promote its increase.

Translations compiled by Dr. Mārcis Gasūns.