
पिप्पली॒ क्षिप्तभेषज्य् उ॑ता॒तिविद्धभेषजी॒ ।
तां॒ देवाः॒ स॒म् अकल्पयन्न् इयं॒ जी॒वितवा॒ अ॒लम् ॥१॥

pippalī́ kṣiptabheṣajy ùtā́tividdhabheṣajī́ |
tā́ṃ devā́ḥ sám akalpayann iyáṃ jī́vitavā́ álam ||1||

Пиппали - лекарство от брошенного (снаряда),
А также лекарство для пронзенного (оружием).
Ее определили боги:
"Этого достаточно для жизни".

The Berry heals the missile's rent, it heals the deeply-piercing
The Gods prepared and fashioned it. This hath sufficient power
for life.

The pepper-corn cures the wounds that have been struck by missiles, it also cures the wounds from stabs. Anent it the gods decreed: 'Powerful to secure life this (plant) shall be!'


पिप्पल्यः॑ स॒म् अवदन्तायती॒र् ज॒ननाद् अ॒धि ।
यं॒ जीव॒म् अश्न॒वामहै न॒ स॒ रिष्याति पू॒रुषः ॥२॥

pippalyàḥ sám avadantāyatī́r jánanād ádhi |
yáṃ jīvám aśnávāmahai ná sá riṣyāti pū́ruṣaḥ ||2||

(Ягоды) пиппали говорили друг с другом,
Приходя после рождения:
"Кого мы застанем (еще) в живых, Тот человек не потерпит ущерба".

When from their origin they came, the Berries spake among
The man whom we shall find alive shall never suffer injury.

The pepper-corns spake to one another, as they came out, after having been created: 'He whom we shall find (as yet) alive, that man shall not suffer harm!'


अ॒सुरास् त्वा न्य् अ॑खनन् देवा॒स् त्वो॒द् अवपन् पु॒नः ।
वाती॒कृतस्य भेषजी॒म् अ॒थो क्षिप्त॒स्य भेषजी॒म् ॥३॥

ásurās tvā ny àkhanan devā́s tvód avapan púnaḥ |
vātī́kr̥tasya bheṣajī́m átho kṣiptásya bheṣajī́m ||3||

Асуры закопали тебя, Боги тебя снова вырыли, Лекарство от ватикриты, Лекарство от брошенного (снаряда).

Asuras buried thee in earth: the Gods again uplifted thee.
Healer of sickness caused by wounds and healer of the missile's

The Asuras did dig thee into the ground, the gods cast thee up again, as a cure for disease produced by wind (in the body), moreover as a cure for wounds struck by missiles.

Translations compiled by Dr. Mārcis Gasūns.