Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary, 1899
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1 akutaScana
2 akutaScala
3 akula
4 akzamAlin
5 akzata
6 akzayaguRa
7 akzayapuruhUta
8 akzara
9 agastya
10 agnijvAla
11 agnilocana
12 aGaRwa
13 aGora
14 aGorA
15 aGoraGorarUpa
16 acala
17 acintya
18 aja
19 ajakava
20 ajakAva


(H3) a-kutaS--cana [p= 1308,1] [L=284.1] m. N. of Siva, L. 


(H3) akutaS-cala [p= 2,2] [L=285] m. not movable from any cause
[p= 2,2] [L=286] N. of Siva.


(H1) a-kula [p= 2,2] [L=298] mfn. not of good family, low
(H1B) a-kula [p= 2,2] [L=299] m. N. of Siva L. 
(H1B) a-kula [p= 1308,1] [L=300.2] n. N. of partic. lunar mansions.
[p= 1308,1] [L=300.3] (in astron.) N. of Sunday, Monday, Thursday, and Saturday


(H3) akza--mAlin [p= 3,2] [L=498] mfn. wearing a rosary of seeds
[p= 3,2] [L=499] N. of Siva MBh. 


(H1) a-kzata [p= 3,2] [L=542] mfn. not crushed
[p= 3,2] [L=543] uninjured, unbroken, whole
[p= 1308,2] [L=543.1] (also) unthrashed, Gobh. 
(H1B) a-kzata [p= 3,2] [L=544] m. Siva L. 
(H1B) a-kzata [p= 3,2] [L=545] mn. a eunuch L. 
(H1B) a-kzata [p= 3,2] [L=548] n. and m. pl. unhusked barley-corns
(H1B) a-kzata [p= 3,2] [L=549] n. N. of the descendants of suraBi Hariv. 
(H1B) a-kzata [p= 1308,2] [L=549.2] m. n. (also) a boil or sore not produced by cutting, Kauṡ. 


(H3) a-kzaya--guRa [p= 3,2] [L=562] mfn. possessing imperishable qualities
(H3B) a-kzaya--guRa [p= 3,2] [L=563] m. Siva.


(H3) a-kzaya--puruhUta [p= 3,2] [L=568] m. Siva.


(H1) a-kzara [p= 3,2] [L=577] mfn. imperishable
[p= 3,2] [L=578] unalterable
(H1B) a-kzara [p= 3,2] [L=579] m. a sword L. 
(H1B) a-kzara [p= 3,2] [L=580] m. Siva L. 
(H1B) a-kzara [p= 3,2] [L=581] m. vizRu L. 
(H1B) a-kzara [p= 3,2] [L=583] n. a syllable
(H1B) a-kzara [p= 3,2] [L=584] n. the syllable om Mn. 
(H1B) a-kzara [p= 3,2] [L=585] n. a letter ([m. RāmatUp. ])
(H1B) a-kzara [p= 3,2] [L=586] n. a vowel
(H1B) a-kzara [p= 3,2] [L=587] n. a sound
(H1B) a-kzara [p= 3,2] [L=588] n. a word
(H1B) a-kzara [p= 1308,2] [L=588.1] n. an indelible mark incised on metal or stone
(H1B) a-kzara [p= 3,2] [L=589] n. N. of brahma
(H1B) a-kzara [p= 3,2] [L=590] n. final beatitude religious austerity, sacrifice L. 
(H1B) a-kzara [p= 3,3] [L=591] n. water RV.  i, 34, 4 and i, 164, 42
(H1B) a-kzara [p= 3,3] [L=592] n. Achyranthes Aspera.
(H1B) a-kzara [p= 1308,2] [L=592.1] (also) m. N. of a sAman, ĀrshBr. 
(H1B) a-kzara [p= 1308,2] [L=592.2] (erase "Achyranthes Aspera")


(H2) agastya [p= 4,3] [L=827] m. (3, 4) = agasti
[p= 4,3] [L=827.1] N. of Siva L. 


(H3) agni--jvAla [p= 5,2] [L=941] m. N. of Siva


(H3) agni--locana [p= 1309,1] [L=1044.1] m. fiery-eyed, N. of Siva, Gal. 


(H1) a-GaRwa [p= 1309,1] [L=1381.1] m. (cf. GaRwa) N. of Siva, MBh. 


(H1) a-Gora [p= 7,1] [L=1392] mfn. not terrific
(H1B) a-Gora [p= 7,1] [L=1392.1] m. a euphemistic title of Siva
(H1B) a-Gora [p= 7,1] [L=1393] m. a worshipper of Siva and durgA


(H1B) a-GorA [p= 7,1] [L=1394] f. the fourteenth day of the dark half of BAdra, which is sacred to Siva.


(H3) a-Gora--Gora-rUpa [p= 7,1] [L=1396] m. " having a form or nature both not terrific and terrific ", N. of Siva MBh. 


(H1) a-cala [p= 8,3] [L=1790] mf(A)n. not moving, immovable
(H1B) a-cala [p= 8,3] [L=1791] m. a mountain, rock
(H1B) a-cala [p= 8,3] [L=1792] m. a bolt or pin
(H1B) a-cala [p= 8,3] [L=1793] m. the number seven
(H1B) a-cala [p= 8,3] [L=1794] m. N. of Siva and of the first of the nine deified persons, called " white balas " among the jEnas
(H1B) a-cala [p= 8,3] [L=1795] m. of a devarzi VP. 
(H1B) a-cala [p= 8,3] [L=1797] m. one of the ten degrees which are to be ascended by a boDisattva before becoming a budDa.


(H2) a-cintya [p= 9,1] [L=1828] mfn. inconceivable, surpassing thought MaitrS.  &c
(H2B) a-cintya [p= 9,1] [L=1829] m. N. of Siva.


(H2) aja 1 [p= 9,2] [L=1928] m. a drove, troop (of maruts) AV. 
[p= 9,2] [L=1929] a driver, mover, instigator, leader
[p= 9,2] [L=1930] N. of indra, of rudra, of one of the maruts ([aja eka-pA RV. , and aja eka-pAda AV. ]), of agni, of the sun, of brahmA, of vizRu, of Siva, of kAma (cf. 2. a-ja)
[p= 9,2] [L=1931] the leader of a flock
[p= 9,2] [L=1932] a he-goat, ram ([cf. Gk. αἴξ ,αἰγός ; Lith. oẓys ])
[p= 9,2] [L=1933] the sign Aries
[p= 9,2] [L=1934] the vehicle of agni
[p= 9,2] [L=1935] beam of the sun (pUzan)
[p= 9,2] [L=1936] N. of a descendant of viSvAmitra, and of daSaraTa's or dIrGabAhu's father
[p= 9,2] [L=1937] N. of a mineral substance
[p= 9,2] [L=1938] of a kind of rice
[p= 9,2] [L=1939] of the moon
[p= 9,2] [L=1940] N. of a people RV.  vii, 18, 19
[p= 9,2] [L=1941] of a class of fzis MBh. 
(H1) a-ja 2 [p= 9,3] [L=2034] mfn. not born, existing from all eternity
(H1B) a-ja [p= 9,3] [L=2035] m. N. of the first uncreated being RV.  AV. 
(H1B) a-ja [p= 9,3] [L=2036] m. brahmA, vizRu, Siva, kAma


(H1) ajakava [p= 9,3] [L=2038] m. Siva's bow L. 


(H2) ajakAva [p= 9,3] [L=2039] mfn. N. of a sacrificial vessel dedicated to mitra and varuRa and (according to the Comm.) having an ornament similar to the fleshy protuberance called ajA-gala-stana q.v. ṠBr. 
(H2B) ajakAva [p= 9,3] [L=2040] mn. a species of venomous vermin, centipede or scorpion RV.  vii, 50, 1
(H2B) ajakAva [p= 9,3] [L=2041] mn. Siva's bow L.